Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The introduction

Hello and welcome to the third blog in the Benjie Klein chronicles.  A few of you may remember the original "journal" about the experiences of an often anxious and depressed, yet sarcastic college student back in 2003.  More fresh in the mind of others may be the "Skizzle and Beekers go to Australia" blog adventure from February 2008.  Today I introduce you to the ultimate combination of the two.

Stealing all, but one letter from a critically acclaimed canine flick; I introduce you to...

"Benjie: Off the Leash"

Many of you may be wondering what the hell I'm about to get myself into, don't worry my parents are first in line with that question.  Flying to Europe with just myself and a backpack was not a combo I envisioned for myself most of my life.  So as a general courtesy I'll paint the backdrop to start.   It begins after three cold and sleepless blend of days and nights in December.  I had managed about 6 total hours of sleep, which even by my known insomnia tendencies is not nearly enough to function normally.  On the 4th day I found myself in a rare situation, I was sitting in a synagogue and not on a high holy day for the first time in 5 years. This is not one I hallucinated, nor did I feel I needed to find myself spiritually, I promised my mom I'd go with her, she's probably regretting that decision now.  I sat looking up towards the rabbi, but not listening to any word not coming from my head.  I realized at that point I had despised many of the 380 past days that led me to that point. As I continued to dig deeper into the bowels of my mind it became apparent 2009 I could finally rent a car at reasonable rates, unfortunately not filling the void that existed.  I realized I needed to start challenging myself.  Most of my scorn was directed towards the things I could not control, leaving me miserable. But I thought to myself, fuck it, too much of life you can't control, why keep holding yourself back from the things you can.  I had always let simple fears stand in my way, I couldn't even make a legitimate unsolicited phone call (even to friends) until freshman year of college.  I had always looked at conflict, failure, and rejection straight in the eye and took the long way around to avoid every one of them.  I then realized I have 9 months ahead until grad school commences in a place where I potentially won't know a soul, maybe not even myself.  At that moment I decided 2009 was going to have a twist, it'd be a selfish year.  The time to do the things I joked to some, spoke seriously to others, and always fought with myself about had arrived.  There are people who have entered and exited my life throughout the various phases of my 25 year existence that have and will continue to impact me more than they'll ever come to realize and for that I am grateful.  I hope many people look at me in the same light, however, I decided to give myself the chance to impact my own life.  A week later, I booked a two month trip to Europe with no set plans.  

I leave for Europe on April 8th, still over a month away, however, the traveling and life altering decisions begin now.  Here is an introduction of what lies ahead in March:

Feb 26-Mar 1
Las Vegas- It could all technically end here.  The potential to lose money and cut into my European expense exists, but I'm going as cheap as possible, plus who says I won't win the chance to stay in a real hotel for at least one night.  In reality this trip seems to be the last true Klein family vacation and what better place than Las Vegas, a Klein family destination over 764 times (give or take 752), 3 of which I've actually been old enough to take advantage of what Las Vegas has to offer.  

March 1- March 4th
Arizona- My first visit to a college campus I've applied to for my masters (not named Michigan State).  I have yet to hear back from any school besides MSU so this could very well be a tease to what my future could've been if I were just a little bit better.  I will get to spend time out there with my Uncle, enjoy warm weather, see some spring training, and find out what the school has to offer so it won't be a lost cause regardless of Arizona State's decision.

March 4- March 6th
Colorado- College campus visit number 2.  This is a mini introduction to traveling the world on my own.  If I can't survive here, the 50 days in Europe may be a struggle.  I will get to live the car rental dream, but this too could become a tease, as I envision 4 letters of rejection arriving at the Klein household on February 27th while I lose all my money on a 10 team parlay in Vegas.  I'll get to see lots of mountains though.

March 6- March 8th or 9th
Seattle- I take a brief break from scholastic visits to visit a friend.  I figure being on my own will be so overwhelming I'll need to know somebody on my next stop.  Just kidding, maybe...

March 9- March 12th
Chicago/Madison- This is a possibility, but not definitively in the schedule because I've been assured by the University of Wisconsin I will have heard by March 4th if I've been accepted.  Of course yesterday it had been March 1st, so I envision a few more pushing back the decision emails.  

After the final stop I plan on coming home back home, but a few more possibilities do exist within the United States.  Being that this is like the pilot episode to my new TV series though, I can't reveal all the surprises in the coming months.  I can tell you to look out as I attempt to update out west, take you through the journeys of my mind in creating a plan for Europe that will probably become more useless each day out there, and most importantly take you on my trip with me as stories from the lands of languages I don't know become more abundant.  

This may have been a bit wordy, you may not have enjoyed it, but when the real stories begin I can only hope the entertainment value increase.  And we all know the real truth; my mind is a little insane, thus making my thoughts a magnet to your eyes and you fuckin love it.

Stiflingly yours,

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